Employee Engagement is essential. Too bad the way many (most?) organizations go about trying to achieve it is...well...wrong.
This (very short) book breaks down the common pitfalls and, most importantly, explains the fundamental role that Respect has to play when it comes to getting Engagement right.
A key to achieving your quality goals: ensuring everyone understands why it’s as important as it is.
There isn’t a Next Big Thing that’s a panacea, and the compulsive search for it is futile. There’s always been just One Big Thing: Creating Value for the Customer. If that doesn’t intrigue you, maybe this will: This book is written as a a murder mystery, and it’s the consultant who gets murdered at the beginning.
Good—and fun—advice about how to energize your Total Quality efforts.
How to take advantage of a resource that every organization has but grossly underutilizes: Your employees’ lifetimes of experience at being customers.
A simple story, told in fable form, that teaches the basics—and highlights the pitfalls—of Total Quality Management efforts.
The power of taking time out of work processes, told in an accessible—and, yup, fun—way.
A deeper dive into the topic of Employee Engagement, with some well-illustrated avoidance objectives, told in a different—and hopefully entertaining—way.